Code Instruction

The present project is aimed to develop a computer program for solving an unsteady solution with different numerical method. The code being used for answering all the question here is written with Python language. This program is to run with simple command:

$ python

Quick instruction for running the simulation

The Python code used for this project can be cloned from repository:

$ git clone

Once you clone the code, you will see the following set of files and directories:

$ sayop@reynolds:~$ ls CFM02/
docs  src

docs contains the document files set for the current project using Sphinx software. This pdf document is online available at: The Python script for this simulation is stored in src folder.

Before running the simulation, you need to open the file named using editor for example, VI on unix system:

$ vi

Then, you should be able to see the following set of simulation parameters:

#grid dimension
iDim            6001
xmin            5
xmax            45
#flow properties
U               1
gamma           0.01
#boundary condition
phiL            0.0
phiR            0.0
#simulation setup
tStart          10.0
tEnd            40.0
maxIter         999999
Courant         0.75
implicit        0.0
nIterWrite      200
xMeas1          15.0
xMeas2          25.0

The parameter’s name above will literally tell you what every single variables indicates in the simulation. For the post-processing as requested in this project, two measurement point are specified with xMeas1 and xMeas2. nIterWrite will write a solution plot and CSV file at speicifed interval of time integration number.

Most importantly the current project code is constructed with \(\beta\) method as described in the following section. The parameter implicit will specified \(\beta\) value. Courant number will change the time integration interval, dt.